I recently had the pleasure of sitting down for a conversation with Jennifer Donnell, one of our team’s top buyer agents. We discussed a bunch of different topics, including what her first year in real estate has been like and what it takes to go from 0 to 100 in a short amount of time.

“Keep an eye out for part two in the next few weeks.”

Cited below for your convenience is an outline of our discussion, with timestamps so that you can skip ahead to the section(s) that interest you the most:

0:45 - How to make the right decision for who to work with as a new agent
2:05 - Jennifer tells the story of how she got into real estate and some tales from her first year in the business
3:30 - How Jennifer’s past job experiences helped her succeed in the real estate business
4:55 - The innate personality traits that have allowed Jennifer to thrive in her current role
6:45 - The importance of “hustling” as a new agent
8:05 - Why having an adversarial relationship with other agents is ultimately a bad idea for you and your clients

Keep an eye out for part two of our conversation, which will be coming at you in just a few weeks. If you have any questions about anything discussed in the video above or anything else related to real estate, don’t hesitate to reach out via phone or email. I look forward to hearing from you.